Reformed Grits

Grammar and being intentional
August 28, 2009, 3:37 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

A few months ago, I was browsing the internet looking for some type of information (I think on writing curriculum for a homeschool friend???) when I came across a blog of a homeschool family who is trying to re-invent the wheel.  Ok, well not really– they called it being “intentional” and really thinking about everything they did and if it was worth the time, effort, money, and emotional energy they put in it.

Which is really great…  more people should do that.  But I was absolutely stunned to see that they had decided that grammar was not worth studying. Now I understand not liking it, or not totally getting it.   But by heaven and earth, I would to beg to disagree with this position.

Grammar for the present may seem a waste of time.  So does algebra.  Then again, so does the Classic Films class that one of my children is taking as an elective.  But if everything we do is to glorify God, then every decision we make in regards to how we live our life has serious implications. I do not purport to have perfected this way of living, but I do hope I am also “intentional” in my life.

Here’s where I’m going…

To examine God’s word and say “How then shall we live?” (2 Peter 3:11) is a critical question.  Some see the way we live out our faith and think we are being legalistic because we make choices based on our understanding of God’s word.  This is not so; it’s living in accordance with the scriptures.  But to discern how we shall live must be based on a study of the holy scriptures and nothing else.  It’s our guidebook and manual for our walk as Christians on this earth.   It’s our only rule of faith and practice.

And then, there is Paul.   You know, he’s one of the big guns when it comes to the “post-Jesus” writings on how as The Church we should carry out our lives.  But he is one wordy dude.   I know, inspired by the Holy Spirit, but there are a lot of words there.  People who know grammar would use words  like phrases, mood, tenses, participles, agreement, and the list continues ad nauseum.   I would say these things make a big difference when it comes to the understanding of the scriptures, and therefore the “how then shall we live.”

This was brought up to me when we were in our Wednesday night small group and we were going through Ephesians 2.  We were beginning at verse 4 which begins the sentence, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved) and raised us up with him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus, in order that in the ages to come He might show the surpassing riches of His grace in the kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.”

How ’bout you diagram those 4 verses on the board, people?

I’m not trying to state that you should be able to diagram it seriously (although it probably would be helpful!) but how do you swallow a “bite” of scripture like that without breaking it down a bit?  And how can you get the richness and what it means if you can’t digest it?  I read it and began to brush over it… until I realized we were going to be spending the entire evening discussing it so I thought I should be prepared.

Where to begin?  Ok, what’s the subject.  What’s the verb?  I don’t know all the phraseology for everything but it’s helpful to know the subject is “God” and there are 3 predicates.  God (1) made us alive, (2) raised us , and (3) seated us.  The phrases going along with each of these things make it so rich and meaningful.  I could spend 10 pages breaking down the verse and talking about the modifiers and how the intentions of God are shown in this verse and you can even see why He bothered to tell us these things and why they are important!  I challenge you to exercise your grammatical muscles and think of scripture this way.

It’s hard to understand all the implications of every word of inspired scripture.  Often we feel overwhelmed when we read a whole chapter and think we are supposed to walk away with a new perspective on how to live because God is intentional.  I know this in part from being able to break down what He tells us in Ephesians 2 in the 3rd sentence which happens to encompass 4 verses.

And I also know it because I have a solid grammar background.  I got my solid grammar background from an intentional parent who, in the spirit of the Olde Deluder Satan Act, knew that in order to walk in truth I had to be able to discern it from God’s word.  (The antecedent of  “it” is “truth.”)  🙂

And the cycle continues.

(Making a disclaimer here that my grammar is not flawless and that sometimes I speak in “stream of consciousness” mode.  Grateful that Scripture is not subjected to man’s poor grammar but is decipherable because He will be found if we seek Him.  1 Chronicles 28:9)

Testing, testing… Is this thing on?
August 21, 2009, 3:20 am
Filed under: Faith, Family, Our Call, Uncategorized

Ok, well tonight I’m sitting in my bed with a bowl of cookie dough that I made for the express purpose of eating.  Not for making cookies, I mean, but just eating.

I have not blogged in MONTHS.  NO one looks here anymore or reads here anymore and that’s ok… because it’s still here and I can come visit it when I like and all my memories are here.

I recently came across a childhood friend (Hi Amy!!) who asked me about our call to ministry and I referred her here which is much better than trying to tell it again.  And you know what?  When I came to look for it, I read it.  And I wanted to cry.  Do you know why?  Because one year from now we could be any where.  On the planet.  I’m totally serious.  My beloved will, God willing, graduate in May and I seriously have told him to brace himself because I’m throwing a GIANT party.  Totally not kidding.

So then what?  We will do what a wise woman once said:  Do the next thing.  And for us, that means working towards ordination which he hopes will be accomplished by the end of the summer.   He *can* start at a church while he’s working toward ordination, which means that anytime after May’s graduation he could get a job in a pastoral position at a church.  Anywhere.  And no kidding, we have been ready since day one of our call to “go.”  If you will recall we are committed to be “preparing to go; but willing to stay.”  Funny, but we really are preparing so much to go, I’m not sure at all that we are willing to stay.   It kills me to think of my kids not graduating from this precious, wonderful school we have totally invested our guts in from before the first day it opened.   Of asking what will be my 10th grader to leave the only school he’s ever known and go who knows where?  But it occurred to me today… I am going to have to let go of the notion that the possibility of that change for all of them (I will have 5 in school and Bee will be in 4k!  Hard to believe!) will be tragic.  If God has a plan for us, He has a plan for ALL of us as a family.  One of the best things that ever happened to me was when the school I had gone to for 7 years closed down.  I was “forced” out of my comfort zone and I would not change it for the world.

Other things going on in Gritsville… The only child in the WHOLE family doing an activity is JD who will be doing drama again this year.  Wow.  It’s good, only because I have hit the wall and that hurts.  And that’s all I have to say about that.

What else?  Oh!  I’m having more migraines than ever and started having unexplained anxiety and panic attacks in April!  That’s been fun.  I’m so drugged up now that I cry every day and actually hug people.  I hugged at LEAST 2 people today.   Wait, 3 for sure.  It’s weird.

I’m trying the Exodus 14:14 method of parenting one of my children.  I will not be asking them about homework or assignments or checking behind them.  I will not even be watching their grades online.  AT ALL.  If they fail, they will repeat the grade but they are capable of achieving.  But I’m at the point where I don’t want them to be “doing school” reactionary to what mom’s gonna do; I want them to look forward to not failing and repeating a grade.   Everytime I fret and fritter over how they will do, it’s a call to prayer.  Only God can change a heart.  This I know.  It’s actually a bit liberating.  Maybe that will be one thing I can cross off my “I haven’t cried about this today” list.  That list is already full.

Ok, so there it is.  The update since, what, January?  Pathetic.  I’ve missed writing; so I will write when I can.  I need to telll stories.  I need to vent.  I need to wordsmith a bit.  It’s an outlet.  If you read, I appreciate you and hope you enjoy.  I love comments because I’m pretty self-centered and like to be petted that way; but God is rearranging me bigtime.  I’m seeing HIM and His “bigness” everywhere.  I’m done pushing; I’m done striving.

By the way, Exodus 14:14 says, “The LORD will fight for you, and you will be silent.”  Don’t you love a hero?  He’s my hero.   He’s going to save the day, and all will be well.  And He loves me.  What more could a girl want?

I’m not sure what happened…
March 1, 2009, 1:49 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

… but everything I’ve posted since January has disappeared.  Makes me not in love with WordPress as this never happened on Typepad.   I’m going to see what happened.  In the meantime, I’m going to look for my kids’ banana pudding recipe and re-post it for Mr. Make…

I’m brave
January 17, 2009, 4:26 pm
Filed under: Family, Life

As soon as I hit “Publish” on this post I’m doing something scary.

I’m going to delete my old typepad account.

I know, I know it’s not really that scary but I did put “my life” there for a long time.   I miss writing every day.  I miss the interaction with (both of) you.  I miss the journaling of my life there.  But it seems that the older my kids get, the more complicated our lives get as we get closer and closer to ministry-life, the less transparent I’m able to be.  Just like in Uncharted Territory when I was unable to share the reason’s behind soccer’s demise in our home.  I hated that.

Things that have happened in our lives in the last month I can’t share regarding Mr. Grits’ job situation.  Growth milestones with my kids that could embarrass them if I shared.  “My” life is so entertwined in others’ lives that for me to share invades their turf and I get that.

The stories shared here have been precious to me.  I’ve moved them here for safekeeping.  Pushing “delete” on the old blog is scary because that time in my life will be gone– from that part of the internet anyway.   I’m brave enough to do that.   (gulp.)

Uncharted territory
January 9, 2009, 6:37 pm
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Everyone that knows me that reads here and those that may not know me in real life but read here know I’m pretty much an open book. I’ll embarrass myself 45 times over just to make you laugh, usually. I’ll tell stuff about myself with no boundaries without a second though. My poor sweet husband tries his hardest to get me to have some boundaries and reserve some dignity.
And it’s not just to make you laugh. I’ll tell you my struggles and my thoughts, no matter how disturbing just to have you as a sounding board. To gain your perspective.
I also occasionally vent. I know I can blow steam and not be judged, or if I am, I don’t know about it and that’s ok.

So I find myself in a place I’m not comfortable with… because not only can I not share every detail with you this because of a number of reasons… but for the first time since 1999 Jojo will not be playing soccer from now on. What I can tell you is that the idea of no soccer in my days is killing me. I love soccer. I love watching my SON play soccer. I love riding in the car with him to practice, games, and out of town tournaments and games. Soccer has been all-consuming for us since the child was 4. Our lives and vacations and finances have been figured around soccer. This was a sacrifice and a decision we made willingly– it was worth it. And we loved it.
Now, the families we have grown to love will become stranger; the kids we’ve watched grow will grow into adults we don’t recognize; the jersey will never be replaced and he’ll never have to get the next sized shin guards or cleats.
I’m absolutely lost.

And what’s worse, is that I totally get it that NO ONE understands that I’m absolutely heartbroken. And that’s ok.
When you can’t talk to anyone else, it sure makes you depend on the Lord more and it’s a really good time to do that.

The most wonderful time of the year
January 2, 2009, 8:56 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: ,

We’ve had a really great time at home this Christmas season! Everything from having my sweet honey home almost the whole time, girls night out where I blew a jalapeno out my nose (I’ve got mad skilz to be able to do this!), a 7 lb weight gain from copious amounts of goodies, and so many wonderful presents that I can’t even tell you! Tonight Mr. Grits and I are going on a date and I look forward to that as well.
We’ve been staying up until horrible wee hours and sleeping until… well, let’s just say late. Today Sister and I had our eye doctor appointments at 8:30 AM. What was I thinking? My kids have always been early risers. In fact a long while back we instilled a “you can’t get up until 6:30 AM” rule. Because it got earlier and earlier each day. Once Jojo had a friend to spend the night and I heard them playing video games in the playroom at 4 in the morning. I ran down to give them the business. When I got there, his friend was sacked out on the couch and Jojo was engrossed in a game.
“What are you doing up this early! You are going to wake your friend and you need to go back to bed!”
He looked at me in a confused way and said, “But mommy, I haven’t GONE TO BED YET!!!!!” Argh.
But I digress.
This morning I had the alarm set for 7:30, and when it went off I wanted to cry. We had gone to bed around 1 AM after battling each other in High School Musical Sing It! on the Wii as well as a few rounds of MarioKart. And then, I couldn’t sleep. I tossed and turned. So I popped a couple Tylenol PM. A little while later I got the “jumpy legs” so I got up and took a melatonin and 2 benedryl. When that didn’t help, I finally turned to my last resort in insomnia-battling techniques and took the HOTTEST shower I could for as long as I could. That did the trick for me. About 4:30 AM. And so I got about 3 hours sleep. Have I mentioned that lately I’ve been getting between 8-10 hours of sleep a night? It didn’t feel good. At all.
None of the children were up at this hour which used to be strange but for some reason once Jojo started being able to sleep in, everyone began sleeping in. Hmm. Correlation? I believe so.
I miss sleep. I came home from the eye doctor, ordered new contacts and glasses online (which all got denied because our new flex card company is having “issues!” GR! I’m almost OUT of contacts!) and fell straight-away asleep. I’m talking I pulled a Churchill and put on the pj’s and crawled under the duvet and put a pillow on my head and slept through the next few hours which, honestly, sounded like I had birthed six wild horses who clomped endlessly over the hardwood floors and up and down the stairs.
I didn’t care. I slept, even though I heard them.
And as I began to rouse, Mr. G noticed me and said, “You can stay and rest more. I’m taking them all to McDonalds.” (They got gift cards for Christmas.) WOOHOO!
I lazed a round a bit and got a sudden hankering for the last bits of the peppermint ice cream.
Imagine my SHOCK! AND! SURPRISE! when I exited my bedroom and discovered my sweet hubby and the kids had cleaned the house!
Someone speaks my love language.

I hope you are enjoying YOUR most wonderful time of the year!

January 1, 2009, 1:21 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Hi and thanks for coming to the new spot… although I’m sure you’ll be disappointed.  I just couldn’t warrant paying monthly for a blog I wasn’t using much anymore so I’ve switched to wordpress because it’s free.

I’m still tweaking things and I do plan on occasionally writing again.  I’m just in a funk and can’t seem to shake it.

I figure, a new year, a new start, a new look.

Happy new year!

Merry Christmas! Or, “why the fuss?”
December 25, 2008, 12:23 am
Filed under: Faith

It's in His job description.  It's worth fussin' over, and it makes me thankful because it helps me see His fingerprints on my life:

Jesus came…  "to preach good tidings unto the meek; he
hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the
captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bound;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn;

appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for
ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, the garment of praise for the
spirit of heaviness; that they might be called trees of righteousness,
the planting of the LORD, that he might be glorified."

Oh.. THAT'S why the fuss!  Praise be to God for His indescribable gift… JESUS!  IMMANUEL… "God WITH US!" 

Christmas is coming…
December 17, 2008, 12:04 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

And I'll be getting fat!  I've made out a preliminary menu for our "vacation time" and oh my are we in trouble.  I've decided that starting tomorrow (or Friday, not sure) I'm doing a type of "dip of the day" to leave out for all to snack on.  I want there to be free reign with it and so no one will be bugging me with "I'm hungry…!"  So I whipped out my recipe file that I accumulate over the year by tearing out pages of magazines (especially my favorite, Southern Living!) and started making a list.  I'll link where I can:
Pepper  jelly over cream cheese with Ritz (all this is is a block of cream cheese with a savory jelly poured over the top.  It's yum and EASY.) 
Warm Turnip Green Dip with pita chips
Heidi's Queso with tortilla chips (sharing her secret recipe, haha– sausage, cream cheese, and rotel!  My kids LOVE this!)
Pico de Gallo and tortilla chips
Antipasto  I use this recipe for Italian Skewers and just throw it all in a bowl, cubed.  This year I'm adding marinated mushrooms too. 
Hot Artichoke-cheese dip with triscuits (which are BOGO at Publix!)
Beer Cheese Spread with bagel chips
Shrimp Dip with Ritz  (this is just cream cheese, a drained can of tiny shrimp, horseradish, and a covering of cocktail sauce.)

Now that's just some of what I'm planning.  For Christmas Day's traditional "Appetizer Feast" we're having:
Hummus (store bought from Sam's) and corn chips
Sausage Balls
Croissant sandwich "buffet" (sliced meats, cheeses, and mustards… the hubby loves this one)
Veggies with Spinach Dip
Brown Sugar Smokies
Heidi's Queso (again!)
Jalapeno poppers
Homemade Chex Mix
Hot wings with ranch and blue cheese
Nuts (yeah, from a can… )

You know what is uncharacteristic of me about this list???  NO SWEETS ON IT?  What the heck?  I need some make-ahead bite-sized sweet ideas.  So it's YOUR turn to give me recipes or ideas!

Honey-Nut Granola
December 15, 2008, 10:22 am
Filed under: Food and Drink

I've been making this recently and my kids eat it with yogurt for breakfast, especially Greek-style which I began to love on the last trip to Scotland where it seems everyone eats it!  (Greek yogurt I mean, which is also spelled "yoghurt" or something like that… Anyhow, I digress….)
The Greek yogurt you can get at Publix, I know, and there is an "Oikos" brand or something and then there is the Cabot, I believe.  I may be wrong about that but I'd encourage you to try it.  Yes, it's terribly fattening but you can get the low fat kind.  I'm serious, look at the label.  I think butter has less fat. 
Ok, So here's the recipe with my comments included because heaven knows I can't just post a recipe without commentary… I got this from Southern Living, of course. 

Honey-Nut Granola
    (that links to the original recipe)

18 oz. regular oats (not quick oats, but the rolled.  Not steel-cut either…)  this is about 6 cups
2 1/2 c. coarsely chopped pecans
2/3 c. toasted wheat germ
1/4 c. sesame seeds (I use flax seeds, whole, not ground)
2 c. sweetened coconut (the recipe says optional but I think it should be MANDATORY!!!)
1 c. butter (hey, I never said it was healthy just because it's granola… )
1/2 c. honey
1/4 c. firmly packed light brown sugar
2 t. vanilla extract (store bought works fine, haha, but for the love of all that is good use PURE not imitation… )
1/4 t. salt
6 oz. cranberries (we don't use these but it would be delicious and festive for Christmas I'm sure!)

Stir together first 5 ingredients in a large bowl. 
Combine butter and next 4 ingredients in a medium bowl.  Pour over oat mixture; stir until evenly coated.  Divide mixture evenly btwn 2 lightly greased 15×10 jelly-roll pans.
Position 1 oven rack about 6 inches from top heating element in oven; place a second oven rack about 6 inches from bottom heating element.  Place 1 pan on each rack.
Bake at 325 for 25-30 minutes or until toasted, stirring every 10 minutes and switching position of baking sheets after first 15 minutes.  Spread granola on wax paper to cool completely.  Add dried cranberries.  Store in airtite container at room temp up to 3 days or freeze up to 6 months.